When Should I Replace Downspouts and Gutters in New Lexington & Perry County, Ohio?

The gutters and downspouts play an important role in protecting the integrity of your Perry County, Ohio home. They are designed to collect rainwater as it slides off your house and divert it away from your foundation. The water then travels across the ground or sidewalk and into a nearby drain, eventually flowing into a storm sewer or body of water. It can help lower flood risk and avoid possible structural damage to your property. One thing you should not do is let water sit in your gutters and downspouts over an extended period where algae can build up, decaying into toxic black muck.

Signs of Needing Replacement: Downspouts and Gutters in New Lexington & Perry County, Ohio

Presence of Rust

If you see rust on your gutters or downspouts, it is time to replace them. A steel downspout will only last about ten years. If you see rust on your gutters and downspouts, they deteriorate and become less efficient at doing their job. While it may not be imminent, it will eventually need to be replaced.


If you see water dripping from your gutters or seem to have to clean them more often than usual, this is also a sign that replacement is necessary. Gutters clogged with debris can cause water flow over them instead of collecting and flowing into the drain. If this happens, the gutters will start to deteriorate and even rust and rot. They can be cleaned out, but if they are blocked often, it will be more trouble than it’s worth.


If your gutters overflow, it is a sign of poor design. It is more of an indicator that the gutters are working too hard and being pushed beyond what they were designed for. In this case, you will likely need to replace your gutters sooner than if you had a slow drip. Even if the gutter holds a certain amount of water, it can still be blocked. Additionally, it could be damaged by hail or other heavy weather. If this occurs often enough, you will have to act quickly before an expensive roof repair becomes necessary.


If your gutters or downspouts have dents, they will need replacement soon. While they may not be falling apart, dents usually mean that there is damage to the other components of the gutter system. If you do not replace them, it is likely that additional damage will occur, which will require additional repair work.


If you see cracks in your gutters, this can signify future damage. Cracks occur either from damage to the gutters themselves or from misuse. When the cracks are long and deep enough, they can cause structural issues with the gutter system. It can also occur after a heavy storm due to heavy wind or hail damage. If this happens often enough, it could cause you to need new gutters and downspouts in Perry County, Ohio, sooner than expected.

If you can no longer keep the water away from your New Lexington, Ohio home or notice any other signs of gutter degradation, then you should make plans to replace them. If your gutters or downspouts show signs of needing replacement and you wait too long, extensive water damage may occur to your home’s exterior. You don’t want to deal with expensive repairs when a simple replacement takes care of the problem.